Get your act together for CBSE Physics if you aspire to crack the toughest entrance exams in India and secure a seat in the best engineering college. Thousands of students each year sit for these competitive exams that just have a few hundred seats to offer. With increasing number of students aiming to crack these entrance exams each year, competition levels are soaring. In a situation like this how to keep stress levels under control and prepare well for these entrance exams and also be sure of the performance? After reading this article, questions like these will no longer trouble you. This article will help you arrive at ways that will make cracking the most difficult engineering entrance exam easy.
- Plan for the academic years in advance! If you are in class XI, now is the right time to start planning and preparing for your engineering entrance exams. Students in class XI and XII should lay emphasis largely on three subjects i.e. CBSE Physics, Maths and Chemistry. Thorough understanding of concepts in these subjects is imperative to help them emerge with flying colours. The engineering entrance examination papers are primarily geared to check the conceptual knowledge of students majorly in these subjects. Therefore, students are advised to start planning for their entrance exams while they are studying in class XI. However, if you have lost out on some precious time, there is no point getting stressed out. Start preparing for these entrance exams right away!
- Get your basics clear! It is of utter importance for students preparing for these engineering entrance exams to have their knowledge of basics concepts and processes in CBSE Physics, Chemistry and Maths crystal clear. The questions asked in these entrance exams are based on the concepts taught in CBSE Physics, Chemistry and Maths for classes XI and XII but of a higher difficulty level. Therefore, before starting to prepare for these engineering entrance exams students are advised to thoroughly go through their NCERT books for CBSE Physics, Chemistry and Maths. While preparing for the entrance exams students should practice hard the end-of-chapter questions in these NCERT books. Students can also choose to seek help from various websites that provide free NCERT solutions for CBSE Physics, CBSE Chemistry and CBSE Maths.
- Pass your CBSE board exams with more than 60% marks! Some students may not know that majority of the engineering institutes in India have an eligibility criteria for admission. As per this eligibility criterion, students should have passed their CBSE board exams with more than 60% marks. A condition like this gives more reasons to students preparing for these entrance exams to take their NCERT books for CBSE Physics, Chemistry and Maths seriously. While preparing for the board exams, students should also practice from the previous years’ board papers for CBSE Physics, Chemistry and Maths. There are a few websites that provide previous years’ solved board papers, model tests and practice tests for these subjects to help students score well in their board exams.
- Seek help from entrance exam aligned test papers! After preparing for your board exams, students should practice concepts from the model question papers and test series for entrance exams. This will help students get a hang of the type of questions that are usually asked in these engineering entrance exams from CBSE Physics, Chemistry and Maths.
Now that all you students know how to prepare for your engineering entrance exams, I am positive that cracking these exams won’t be difficult.
All the best!
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